A Personal Message To Our Nurses

By: Deborah McCoy, RN - VP/Chief Nursing Officer
Despite the fear and anxiety, which are real and true emotions felt by each of you during this pandemic, the dedication that you continue to exhibit at all levels of our profession is most inspiring. As this COVID-19 pandemic pushes us beyond our normal comfort zones, you amaze us all, as you provide care to the neediest of our community in new and unique ways.
Thank you to our inpatient nurses who work at the bedside and provide the very best in evidence-based care with the goal of sending patients home at the earliest possible opportunity.
Thank you to the outpatient nursing staff who are now diligently caring for our patients with chronic illnesses, helping them to avoid the hospital and stay at home during this crisis.
Thank you to our house supervisors who watch over us 24/7, and who respond to critical needs at a moment’s notice.

I also want to thank our infection control professionals who have embraced us as their own and work tirelessly to understand rapidly evolving guidelines, educate us, and come to our rescue when we feel less than secure in our use of PPE. Thank you to these same individuals, along with many others, who manage the data tracking and reporting required to support local and regional efforts to identify the impact and progression of this virus.
To those nurses on the front line, caring for COVID-19 patients in MCH, the ED, on COVID-19-designated units, or in procedural areas where you work to resolve serious symptoms or save a life, I express a special thank you.

Using skills that you have worked so hard to learn, you demonstrate the love, commitment and selfless dedication that are the hallmark of our profession.
As we continue to face this challenge, be kind to one another. “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer
It is with a deep sense of pride in all of our nursing professionals, and with a sense of awe for the courage and strength, I see in each of you, that I again say Thank You!
I offer this message with eternal gratitude and a prayer for your continued strength.