Living Better, Healthier & Happier

We all have so many responsibilities in our busy daily routines we sometimes forget to take good care of the most important person in our lives: YOU! By caring for yourself and ensuring you get the right amount of exercise, sleep, and nourishment, you’ll be able to be there for all your responsibilities – and most of all the people you love.
Here’s a few tips to accomplish this:
A Matter of Time
Research has shown that people who eat a meal over 20 minutes generally consumed 88 fewer calories that those who ate the same meal in less than 10 minutes. So turn off the TV, set down your smartphone, ignore the computer and focus for a few minutes on the wonderful flavors of your meal. This small amount of time can be enough to help your brain register pleasure, which helps lead to feeling satisfied and ultimately leads to less food intake.
Nighty Night
Research reveals it’s not necessarily how long you sleep, but how well you sleep that matters. Quality is the issue because even though you’re in bed for 8 hours, a restless night can leave you less energized than a sound 7-hours of sleep. So how can you sleep better? Thirty minutes or more of exercise daily is beneficial because it tires you out and is very helpful if you stick to a regular workout routine. Also, thirty minutes before bedtime, turn off the TV, put your computer and smartphone away so your mind is not stimulated, and just focus on getting ready for bed.
See Your Personal Physician – Even When You’re Feeling Good
Primary care doctors see people not only when they are sick, but also for yearly check-ups, and they help schedule important annual screenings for things like breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, among others. Physicians provide prevention care and maintenance as needed – which can put your worries at ease and give you peace of mind. If you need a referral to a primary care physician or specialist, contact USC Arcadia Hospital today at, or call our free physician referral phone line at (888) 388-2838.
Create Your New Lifestyle
Don’t call it a routine or a diet, call it a lifestyle – a commitment to a positive, happy, healthy way of life. Make a promise to yourself to take good care of YOU. Yes, you have permission to indulge in a cheeseburger now and then. But overall, make healthy, happy choices because this is who you are, who you want to be, and how YOU choose to live your life. Remember, it’s a choice – not an obligation.
By taking good care of yourself, you can ensure you’ll be there for the people you love.
If you’d like to start on your path to better health and need a referral to a primary care physician or specialist, contact our free physician referral service at 888-388-2938, or click through to our website physician directory.